Sunday, 30 December 2012

Exercise is for life...

Oh come on, we've all done it. We spend the week after Christmas saying 'From next week I'm on a health kick and will lose this weight'. Then the week after that we join a gym/take up running/start Zumba. Then by 3 months later the gym card/trainers/sweatband is gathering dust for the next 9 months until the cycle starts again.

Sound familiar?

Well, listen up, there ARE ways you can tap into this post-festive motivation and keep it going for the whole year, making a healthier, happier you - just with smaller jeans.

1. Forget the gym
Yep, if you HATE the gym, don't go. If we don't enjoy something, we're not going to stick with it, it's that simple. Treadmills and cross trainers aren't the only ways to increase your fitness. Instead try walking, jogging outside, cycling or taking up a sport. Make it your mission to try out lots of different things until you find YOUR thing. Then stick to it.

2. Set small, realistic short-term goals
If you're a size 16, saying to yourself 'I want to be a size 10 in 3 months' will do you no favours. It's a massive ask and lets be honest, pretty unachievable. Instead, set smaller monthly goals like running for 20 minutes non-stop in 4 weeks or dropping enough that your jeans are loose by the end of the month. You can go on setting these targets until you reach your overall goal. You'll see smaller improvements and if you achieve something every few weeks, you'll be motivated enough to continue. Which brings me on to the next point...

3. Make a lifestyle change.
We've all seen it - SO many people go on a diet, lose the weight then pile it straight back on again. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice, not a means to an end. A long-term commitment means long-term health. Forget fad diets and detoxes, instead make small changes to your diet and exercise regularly to avoid yo-yo weight loss. Lose the processed foods, eat clean and stay active. A simple formula.

4. Join the club
Slimming clubs can be great, particularly if they promote a healthy lifestyle and often yield great results but there's a new breed of weight loss group coming up and that's ones which offer exercise classes as part of your weekly nutrition advice sessions and weigh ins. Take a look out for one local to you, the support and 'check ins' each week can be a great motivator.

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